Touched by someone I didn't even know"

Many people may have already heard about the murder of Helen Hill. Although I never met her (or her husband Paul Gailiunas both of whom where shot) she happend to be a good friend of someone I care about. The more I read and hear about her the more I am saddened by the fact I never will get to meet this wonderful person, artist and mother. While any act of violence like this, is not only outrageous and useless and obvioulsy commited by the most cowardly of people.
I do not want to dwell on the violence as everything I read and come to know about Helen is about peace and love.
I will say that the world was a better place because of Helen Hill and for all her work and love, to her I say Thank you.
My thoughts are with her family and friends and her husband Paul and son Francis.
"All the darkeness in the world cannot extinguish the light of just one candle."
For more info on Helen Hill please click here
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