Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Sick and Gross

It has been 6 days that I have had this horrible cold I can't seem to shake, I'm coughing up plegm balls like it's going out of a style, pleasant thought I know. I was performing with someone yesterday and I coughed one up in the middle of the scene in this class that Improv Guru Mick Napier (the best teacher I have EVER had) was teaching, and in the middle of the scene I had to swallow that sucker like it was a freshly shucked oyster. YES, I know it is gross, but you aren't the one who had to swallow it. Regardless, what is the proper etiquiette for horking up a ball of lung snot? What does one do when in a public place, do you spit it in a hanky? How does one excuse themeselves with this in their mouth? There's a question for Ann Landers, or whichever one of those broads who talk a big game on good manners.


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