Hit the Mark!

OK so as you are all well aware I need to hit $500 to ride in bike race for Charity. and I just crossed the $500 mark!! And I never thought I would say this but it was thanks to a celebrity that came back from the grave to pledge those dollars that took me over the edge. When I check my pledges, it just tells me what you fine folks put in, so as you've noticed below sometimes people don't put their names but rather funny little tidbits, there are even a couple of Anonymous who I'm not certain who they are but thanks. But I want to say a special thanks to Laura Branigan for not excercising "Self Control" and pushing me to $525.00!!! Of course I couldn't get here without the help of everyone who pledged to get me here, so THANKS Y'ALL!!!
My Supporters Rule!

Sean T
Michael C
Stefanie & Vince
Ass and Ball Cream Sponsor Mark D.
Brutach & Associates
Mauro & Stella
Billy K.
Kristine M
Angela A
White Lipstick "where's my cardigan" girl from high school
Andrew D
Carla A
Laura Branigan
Carlos D
My goal is to raise $1000, I've got 27 days,Can I do it? Check Back!
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