Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Farwell Nova Scotia

Ok so there is this infectious song written about Nova Scotia, one of the East coast songs that you stamp your foot and raise you beer to and it goes like this:

"Farewell to Nova Scotia, you seabound coast
Let your mountains dark and dreary be
For when I am far away on the brimy ocean tossed
Will you ever heave a sigh or a wish for me?"

And once you've been here, you realize why you immediately fall in love with this song. I hope Nova Scotia will heave a sigh for me, 'cause I'll be heaving one for her.

First off, it's a beautiful province, as Vito said; "more beautiful than British Columbia" if you can believe it, well at least on parr.

I'm spending my last few hours walking around the city of Halifax, saying goodbye to the Harbour, and the shops and the Atlantic Ocean air.

Things I will miss most:

The very friendly people.
The Nova Scotians who speak with a thick accent, and I have to say: "pardon" to, and yet they just smile and repeat it with the same accent and I still don't understand but I nod and smile back.
How you can just fling yourself in the middle of the street and all cars will stop and wave you by.
The Seafood.
The cool weather.
The beer.
The price of beer.
The chit-chatty nature of these people.
The cleanlyness of this city.
The Lobster and Sailboat emblems you see everywhere.
The Bluenose II.
The Lighthouses.
The fact that there are no bitch Starbucks in the city (thank Christ - I love you Halifax!!!)

Things I will not miss:
The lack of street signs in this city.
Snake Island.
Very few 24 hour places especialy for internet.
The fucken Bellydancing bitches.
The Imperial Room's grandure.

Farwell Nova Scotia...

Toronto get ready, daddy's coming home!


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